Sustainable Packaging Trends:
The Future Is Green
On average, each European generates almost 180 kg of packaging waste per year. Something needed to be done. The new EU Green Deal, introduced in November 2022, will change the face of packaging in Europe for the better. The goal is to make all packaging fully recyclable and reusable by 2030. To achieve this aim, laws will be introduced to stop greenwashing. Any company making an environmental claim will have to back it up with independent evidence. About time too!

These kinds of actions are great news for new and innovative companies and for customers. Leading to clearer labelling and a better feeling, because you know exactly what you’re buying. The big brands are waking up to the new reality. Refillable beauty is a trend that is being taken up by many, including Chanel, Aesop and the Body Shop. Often with keepsake packaging, more luxurious and worthy of exhibition. Rather than seeing packaging as merely a transportation device that quickly ends up in the waste bin. And later as landfill.
Packaging Made
From Mushrooms
There are also exciting, and sometimes downright strange developments in the materials used for recyclable packaging. Of course, recycled paper continues to be one of the most common. However, you also have honey jars made out of beeswax, KFC edible cups, banana leaf packaging and IKEA are even looking at packaging made from mushrooms. Coconut, potatoes, grapes: all new ideas for packaging!

Ink: Any Colour You Like,
as Long as It’s Green
Almost all packaging needs printing. Instead of bad old petroleum-based inks, more and more companies are choosing vegetable and soya-based inks with positive and vibrant results.
Lightweight Makes
a Big Difference
Lightweight? At first, it doesn’t seem that important, but it really makes a big difference. It means reduced material and manufacturing costs. And reduced environmental impact, because of less transportation space and less landfill.

The Packaging Trend That’s
2,500 Years Old
The world’s oldest packaging is still the most recyclable, reusable and sustainable. Glass. The global glass packaging market was estimated at USD 76 billion in 2021. It’s expected to grow to USD 97.78 billion in the next five years.
Eco-Conscious Packaging
Of course, even within the realms of glass there are differences. Take, for example, a new brand like Calaso, who are able to benefit from new technologies and start with a more sustainable view of the world. This durable glass combines high quality with light weight. It’s made using renewable energy and CO2 friendly production. Also, a local-based approach where resources are sourced locally, with handling and decoration all at the same location. Recyclable, reusable and quite beautiful.